From 1-year old Infants
to 2nd Baccalaureate
We offer our students integral education based on cooperative methodologies and critical thinking. We help them discover and reach their physical and intellectual potential.
Official exam results
100% passing rate in PAU
8,0 Average PAU Grade
Students start their English instruction at 2 years old.
Use of personal devices, tools and digital content from our earliest stages.
Development of cooperative learning, emotional education, Project Based Learning and critical thinking skills.
Our sports activities carried out as part of our school schedule help boost our students’ personal and social well-being.
We improve each student’s learning process by adapting to their personal circumstances.
We work as a team to improve learning management through methodological adaptations and family-school interactions.
Aimed at high-performing students, where they can develop their divergent thinking and social skills as well as their creativity.
We offer several workshops, talks and seminars for families throughout the school year from multiple intervention perspectives.