School Stages

From Infants to Secondary

Our School teaches at every educational stage

Infants (1 to 6 years old), Primary, Secondary and Baccalaureate (Science and Technology and Humanities and Social Sciences modalities) and chess as our own project.

Our students begin learning English since their first year, and from 3 years old onward, 35% of their curriculum is instructed in English.

In Primary we have our own bilingual project and are an Official Bilingual School, accredited by the Community of Madrid. Our model includes robotics, programming and 3D design throughout the all stages. We also have a broad physical education (P.E.) schedule, which includes a weekly hour of swimming. Starting at 1st Primary, our math project focuses on boosting emotional and logical learning of the subject through an educational chess method.

In Secondary, more of the school schedule is taught in English and two weekly hours of French are added.

Personalized attention for our students is one of our priorities. Tutors and teachers maintain constant communication with families. Also, our Guidance Department helps plan an adequate professional future for our students.

Heads of Study for each stage:

Rocío Muñoz

Infants Head of Studies

Noel García

Primary’s Head of Studies

Celeste Molinero

Secondary and Baccalaureate’s Head of Studies